Training Device, Liquid-Fuel Missile Mot

Training Device, Liquid-Fuel Missile Motor Training device, liquid-fuel missile motor. Device includes an enclosure for all of the motor’s “plumbing” (pipes, vents, turbines, etc.). A regeneratively cooled nozzle is attached […]

JB-2 Loon

Height – 27.09 feet 5,000 pounds (2,300 kg) Length 27 feet 1 inch (8.26 m) Diameter 34 inches (860 mm) Warhead High explosive Warhead weight 2,000 pounds (910 kg) Engine […]

Rocket Motors – Improved Honest John

Rocket Motors – 15 Improved Honest John, only 12 are part of OL 3. Fifteen expended Improved Honest John rocket motors used at the Holloman AFB Test Track. ID #J109TX62750012 […]

Missile, GAM-63, Rascal

GAM-63 Rascal. NMUSAF accession number 1999-030-005. Voucher number 1999-528. The Rascal, previously designated MX-776 and B-63, was an air-to-surface missile. Powered by three Bell rocket engines, the GAM-63 was inertially […]

R-4D RCS Engine, used in Apollo service

R-4D RCS Engine, used in Apollo service module R-4D Reaction Control System (RCS) engine, used on Apollo service module, in groups of four, to maneuver the spacecraft. Value: See 86.046.001.

Thor Rocket Engine

Dimensions refer only to engine- there are engine components stored at the MSC as well. Object is a flight-ready Thor rocket engine, S/N: NA004307, Model Number LR79-NA-9. The Thor was […]

Misc. DC-XA Components

Misc. DC-X Components Misc. DC-X (Delta Clipper experimental) components. These components are: DC-X Structure (APU) with two tanks installed, landing gear (four legs and pads), , interstage, and a wooden […]

Aerobee Hardware (1 Lot)

One lot of various pieces of Aerobee rocket hardware. Value: $1,000.00. Note: Two Aerobee 170 engines are in MSC Small Artifact Storage. One Aerobee rocket engine (S/N A-806) was deaccessioned […]

X-8C Aerobee- Flown item

X-8C Aerobee X-8C Aerobee- Flown item Note: Item originally accessioned as L.062.002. As the original L.062.001 was re-accessioned as L.075.010, L.062.002 has been changed to L.062.001, effective 1-14-16 by Jim […]

Nike Ajax Missile

Nike Ajax Missile with Stand A Nike Ajax surface-to-air missile with metal stand. The Nike Ajax is a supersonic, liquid-fueled missile with a solid propellant booster. The first member of […]