Regular Meeting of the New Mexico Museum of Space History’s Governor’s Commission Friday, April 30, 2021

The meeting will be held via Zoom and will be carried live on the museum’s YouTube channel.   To view the meeting via Zoom:   To view the meeting on the museum’s YouTube Channel:   Agenda for April 30th, 2021   The Mission of the New Mexico Museum of Space History Commission is […]

Museum to Re-open on Friday, May 7th

(Alamogordo, New Mexico) – The New Mexico Museum of Space History, a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, is pleased to announce that it will re-open to the public on National Space Day, Friday, May 7. The Museum will be open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday, closed on Monday […]

“Sculpting the Stars” Science Saturday at Pizza 9

Pizza9 at the White Sands Mall Alamogordo, NM, United States

Science Saturday is a monthly presentation by the museum’s education department that offers free hands-on STEM based science programs to kids in grades 2-7.

October Trinity Site Tour

(Alamogordo, New Mexico, April 20, 2021) – Reservations for the October Trinity Site motor coach tour, hosted by the New Mexico Museum of Space History and International Space Hall of Fame Foundation, began on April 20 through the museum’s website and almost immediately filled the six reserved coaches. Reservations are now being held on a […]

Museum of Space History Governor’s Commission Regular Meeting

(Alamogordo, New Mexico) – The Governor’s Commission to the New Mexico Museum of Space History will hold regularly scheduled meetings at 1:00 pm on the following dates: October 29, 2021 January 28, 2022 A meeting location, if other than virtual, and agenda will be available on the Museum website at least 72 hours prior to […]

Launch Pad Lecture “SpaceX Starship: To Orbit and Beyond”

Launch Pad Lecture Slated for Friday, December 3 (Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 30, 2021) – The Museum of Space History’s popular Launch Pad Lecture takes center stage again on Friday, December 3. The topic will be “SpaceX Starship: To Orbit and Beyond!” presented by Museum Outreach Coordinator Tony Gondola. It will be held on the […]
