Latest Past Events

THREE Free Days at the Museum for Vets!

Museum of Space History 3198 State Rd. 2001, Alamogordo

Veterans, Active-Duty Personnel, National Guard, First Responders, and Families Invited Veterans Day at the NM Museum of Space History What: Veterans, active-duty service members, National Guard personnel, and first responders are invited to attend the New Mexico Museum of Space History in Alamogordo free on the federally observed holiday Friday, November 10, on Veterans Day, Saturday, […]


EVENT CANCELLED — 9.11 Commemoration Ceremony

The New Mexico Museum of Space History is honored to host the community’s annual 9.11 Memorial Stair Climb and Commemoration Ceremony in conjunction with the Otero County Fire Fighter’s Association, the City of Alamogordo Fire Department and area first responders. Events include the Memorial Stair Climb in the morning, an evening parade, educational activities and […]