Free Launch Pad Lecture Friday, November 4, 2022, at 9:00 am.

The monthly Launch Pad Lecture at the New Mexico Museum of Space History will be on Friday, November 4, 2022, at 9:00 am.
This months feature Museum Outreach Coordinator Tony Gondola. His topic will be “The NEW Road to the Moon” and will take a close look at NASA’s plans to go back to the moon and why it’s important as a steppingstone for getting humans to Mars.
The event will be held at the main museum on the second floor.
The event is free and open to the public. Coffee and donuts are compliments of the International Space Hall of Fame Foundation.
The next Launch Pad Lecture will be held on Friday, December 2. The topic will be “Apollo 17: 50 Years” presented by Museum Executive Director Chris Orwoll.